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March 16, 2005

image of the day

the gates again
Originally uploaded by Hugo VT.
Central Park has always been a sort of city dweller's fantasy, aided in no small part by the majestic West Side skyscrapers (the San Remo being one of the finest). The Gates took this several steps further. From certain vantages, they seemed like a royal processional leading to these strange, looming castles.

A number of photographers have chosen to emphasize the Gates' bright color against the wintry landscape by photoshopping the image to produce a black-and-white background. This one does it particularly well.

Posted by ben vershbow at March 16, 2005 5:10 PM


Bravo. Great eye and contrast of colours!!

Posted by: meritxell at March 20, 2005 5:50 AM

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