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March 15, 2005

gates go AWOL

The Gates were once bound by time and space (16 days in Central Park). But no more. With thousands upon thousands of shots from every conceivable vantage, we've reached critical mass. The Gates have broken the boundaries of the park and are now officially at large. Imagine the Great Wall of China dotted with billowing saffron gates, or gates lining the shores of Lake Michigan, or gates along a jetty, receding into the ocean. Or imagine an astronaut on the moon holding not a flag, but the signature tennis ball-capped de-snagging pole... This afternoon, we cobbled together a couple of Gates remixes and came up with ideas for dozens more. This could open up a great new chapter of the project. Create your own, post them on Flickr with the "gatesmemory" tag, and comment here with a link.


"2005: A Gates Odyssey," or, "The Dawn of Man"



Posted by ben vershbow at March 15, 2005 5:31 PM


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