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March 16, 2005

the Gates recycled

gatesmulch.jpg Newsday ran a great article yesterday describing the recycling of the Gates in Nazareth, Pennsylvania at Nicos Polymers & Grinding Inc. Evidently, they are taking great pains to ensure that no materials are stolen while awaiting destruction, and that the nylon mulch and re-ground PVC pipe do not become collector's items in their own right (though this seems inevitable).

From a particularly vivid passage in the article:

"Delivery trucks back up to the 180,000-square-foot plant, revealing orange poles stacked floor to ceiling in snug, honeycomb-like symmetry. The other day, the driver of a saffron-colored forklift was off-loading 120 poles at a time while another worker, Hilberto Mendez, handled the grinding.

"Mendez plucked a 16-foot pole from a neat stack and slid it into the maw-like chute of a Cumberland grinder, which distantly resembled an industrial-sized Cuisinart. The grinder swallowed the pole whole, as if it was a 16-foot carrot stick, and with a grating crash chewed it into lightweight orange "gravel," which it spit into a 3-foot cardboard cube."

This ties in nicely to the "gates as labor" discussion that began here the other day.

(Photo by Rick Smith)

Posted by ben vershbow at March 16, 2005 5:27 PM


PostSecret has posted a Gates-related secret.

"Here in New York I tried to steal a piece of The Gates, so I felt bad when the nice volunteer gave me this piece for free."

The piece was included - scotch taped to the postcard.

The Gates Recycled. ">Now with added guilt!!!

Posted by: jrfj44 at March 16, 2005 11:35 PM

How perfect that it is recycled at Nazareth.... Born again as it were. Happy easter. Check out my four corners gate at flkr.

Posted by: alex at March 17, 2005 10:45 PM

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