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questions for readers Post date  10.30.2005, 10:07 PM

the institute for the future of the book is having a small meeting in LA on November 11th to explore how academics with expertise, integrity, and "a voice" can be encouraged to speak to a wider public audience through blogs and other internet-based forms. if you've gotten to this page, you are likely a regular reader of a blog written by one of the people who will be attending.

we have about a week and a half, and in that time we'd love to get your input on both the provisional meeting agenda, and on a few questions posed specifically toward the point of view of the reader.

These include (but are in no way limited to):

  • what blogs do you read on a daily basis?
  • can you describe how you come to trust a blogger such that you return regularly; what's the key attribute that creates such trust?
  • how would you like to see the structures of blogs change? (e.g. less like a scoll, more like a conversation)
  • what role do blogs play in your personal mediasphere; i.e. relative to other sources of news and opinion?

Posted by bob stein at October 30, 2005 10:07 PM


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